Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pure Joy

"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God." Doctrine and Covenants 18:10

We hear this scripture all the time. The worth of souls is GREAT in the sight of God. But have we ever considered the joy that is shared in this scripture? Not only is there great love shared, but this scripture has wonderful depth and tender feelings shared.

As I continued reading, I discovered this verse that struck me even more than the previous verse.

"And how great is his joy in the soul that repenteth!" Doctrine and Covenants 18:13

Notice the exclamation point at the end. An emphasis is placed on this simple sentence that makes the meaning more powerful and touching. Christ sacrificed His life for us, so that we would have the divine gift of repentance. This verse proves to us that Christ's joy for us is magnified when we choose to sincerely apply the Atonement in our lives.

When we cry, He cries with us. When we laugh, He laughs with us. When we have that tender moment of pure joy that comes from truly repenting, how much greater is the joy in Christ's heart, for we have chosen to come unto Him!


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

We Have The Power To Change The World!

It is amazing the power we have to change the world--starting with ourselves. If we change our hearts and serve God with all our heart, might, mind and strength, we will be blessed with the Christlike attributes we need to be the heroes that this world needs. 
I want to develop the Christlike trait of patience, so that I can endure patiently and be more happy in dire circumstances. I know that as we strive to be the missionaries and examples that the world needs, we will be blessed for our efforts and become more like Christ.
Ever smiling,

Friday, September 19, 2014

I Can Be A Missionary Now!

For the longest time, I was convinced that I would go to college. Never once did I consider going on a mission. But last year, the Spirit struck me with an incredibly powerful thought. I am going on a mission. It was as simple as that.
That powerful sentence has stuck with me ever since. And when I got my patriarchal blessing, a part of it told me that if the Lord desired it, I would serve a full-time mission. That confirmed my feelings even more. 
Because of that simple prompting, my life has been changed completely. I realized that I wasn't living a life that was in complete harmony with the gospel. I still have my weaknesses, but I have been able to overcome a lot of them and turn them into strengths. I have been able to establish a better habit of studying the scriptures, saying daily personal prayers, and writing in my journal regularly. My heart has been opened to the desire to serve, and to sharing my testimony with others. Because of the Spirit's influence, I can be a missionary now!

Ever smiling,

Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Worth of Souls

Doctrine and Covenants 18:10
"Remember the worth of souls is GREAT is the sight of God."

This scripture has really stood out to me lately. We are all beloved children of God--His love for us is eternal. No matter how many mistakes we make, He will help us out of them and reach out to touch our lives. His love for me has inspired me to look for the good in others and see that they are absolutely amazing individuals! The worth of souls in great--so great that we are blessed daily with God's love. Because of this scripture, I have been blessed with the love for others that I didn't have before. I have been given the gift to reach out and shine my light to others so that they can, in turn, shine themselves. You are amazing!

Keep smiling,

The Fruit Of The Scriptures

The scriptures are here for us to learn from and feast upon.
"The fruit within the peel, which we use for strength and nourishment, can be compared to the doctrines and principles found in the scriptures. The peel that surrounds the fruit can be compared to the events and people of the scriptures. Much like the outer covering preserves and helps transport the inner fruit, these scriptural accounts hold and carry gospel doctrines and principles to us in a way that helps us understand, remember, and apply them in our lives.
The work needed to remove the outer covering and expose the inner fruit is similar to what we must do to open up or uncover a passage of scripture. To peel open the scriptures and expose the fruit inside, we need to understand the historical setting of a revelation and also strive to understand the events, people, and meaning of words. As we do so, the doctrines and principles contained within the scriptural accounts become easier to see and understand."
~Online Seminary
As we feast on the fruits of the scriptures, we will be filled with the Spirit and our testimonies will be strengthened. A scripture a day keeps the devil away! 
Keep smiling,

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Gift Of The Gospel

I absolutely love Seminary! It has taught me so much, and continues to broaden my perspective and strengthen my testimony of the truths of the Gospel!

These are some things I enjoyed from Seminary today. 

"While some information has merit, as members of the Church we have access to the source of pure truth, even God Himself. We would do well to search out answers to our problems and questions by investigating what the Lord has revealed through His prophets. With that same technology today, we have at our fingertips access to the words of the prophets on nearly any subject. 
...What has [God] taught us about personal happiness and fulfillment through His prophets?" ~Kevin R. Duncan

A story shared from the Friend:
Mike and his younger brothers, Eric and Tom, liked to go hiking with their dad. Dad always said he knew the mountains like the back of his own hand. He had grown up walking the same paths with his own dad, who was a sheepherder. 
One summer day [the boys] were excited to reach the top of the trail—a high meadow filled with fresh green grass and flowers of just about every color. And so they took off running through the trees at top speed, even though they were tired from their morning’s hike. They wanted to burst onto that meadow like jackrabbits.
'Stop when you get to the meadow,’ Dad called after them. ‘I’ll meet you there.’ They ran ahead, each trying to get in front of the others. [They forgot] Dad’s instruction. They ran in circles through the deep grass, jumping and dodging, whooping and hollering and tagging each other. Then Eric had an idea. ‘Let’s race all the way across the meadow!’ 
Tom hesitated. They couldn’t see the far side of the clearing because a grassy hill obscured their view. But Mike wasn’t worried. ‘I think this is the same meadow we came to last summer,’ he assured his brothers. They gathered back at the trees. ‘Ready!’ Eric shouted. ‘Set! GO!’ The wind felt fresh and cool on Mike’s cheeks and in his hair, and the faster he ran, the more wind he got. Soon he was leading the race. He felt like he could run forever. 
‘STOP!’ a voice bellowed like thunder behind them. All three boys stopped immediately. They turned and saw Dad running toward them from the edge of the meadow. ‘Come back here beside me,’ Dad called, more gently this time. The boys obeyed. [Then] they walked together across the meadow. As they topped the little hill, Dad suddenly stopped. Just a few paces ahead of them, a sheer cliff dropped down at least 20 or 30 feet. If they had been running, there was no way they could have seen it in time to stop. 
‘We could have died,’ Mike said softly. 
‘Well, maybe. I’m sure glad you stopped running even though I didn’t have time to explain. Sometimes we have to obey first and ask questions later!’ 
‘Especially when someone else knows what’s coming, and you don’t,’ Mike said.” (Ana Nelson Shaw, “Stop!” Friend, June 2005).

What we truly are in our heart will inevitably be revealed in our thoughts, words, and behaviors. The real truth about a man cannot be kept secret. ~Seminary
What a gift the gospel is in my life! I am so grateful for the opportunities I have to learn and grow from Seminary and other spiritual lessons.
Keep smiling,

Friday, September 5, 2014

Explain, Share, Testify

How can you make your life experiences better?

1. Remember why you are doing what you are doing
2. Ask yourself how you can help yourself and others
3. Reach out to others and be an example

"Explaining will help you understand the principles of the gospel. If you can explain a concept clearly, you have learned it well.
Sharing will help you and others see the connection between what you are learning from the scriptures and your own life today.
Testifying invites the Spirit so that your testimony can be strengthened and so that others can gain a testimony too."
I love the quote shared by Spencer W. Kimball about sharing our light with others. 
"Where we carry the lantern to light the path of others, we light our own way." 
This is a powerful reminder to be courageous and share our light with others. Each day, there may be something that someone you know (or a stranger) needs to hear. And what better way to learn it than by examples of others? As we do our part in life to explain, share, and testify, we will be filled with the Spirit and not only light the path for others, but also light our own way. We will be led on the path that we need to go, and the Spirit will guide us in the footsteps of Christ.