It isn’t just about cosmetics or clothing. What makes a young woman truly attractive comes from her heart. ~Lynn G. Robbins
As a part of seminary this morning, I learned about the importance of dressing modestly and forsaking the lusts of the world. Pornography is a really dangerous thing! I can lead to so many problems and massively damages you and others.
"Young women, please understand that if you dress immodestly, you are magnifying [the problem of pornography] by
becoming pornography to some of the men who see you." ~Dallin H. Oaks
It is important to dress modestly. The way we dress will often reflect who we are. Do we want others to see us as people who will throw away our values just to satisfy worldly lusts? Or do we want others to see us as confident individuals who stand firm in their beliefs and will not lower their standards? If we choose now to keep high standards of modest dress, we will better protect ourselves from the temptations of lust.
Thomas S. Monson said, "You can dress attractively without being immodest. Within the Lord's guidelines, there is room for you to be lively, vibrant, and beautiful both in your dress and your actions." We should always choose to dress modestly and avoid the lusts of the world.
One of my friends commented on a post I wrote on Google Plus about modesty. He said, "Really girls, we do notice. That quote by Elder Oaks is so true. What's worse, depending on how bad it is, any friendship that exists will suffer, because we feel terrible about thinking of you that way, but we also can't forget. Living, breathing girl friends, carefully guarding their standards are the best therapy I know of for recovering from a porn addiction. You can be the brightest light in a struggling guy's life. Please don't let yourself become just another damaging influence. You're worth more than that."
Choose to be modest, even if dressing modestly means dressing differently than "the style" now. You really are worth more than that! Dare to be truly beautiful. :)
Ever smiling,