"What are you doing in your life to prepare to worthily enter the temple and receive the fullness of the priesthood ordinances for yourself?"
This seminary question got me thinking. What am I really doing to prepare for my upcoming sacred temple ordinances? I answered with this.
I am striving to live God's laws, and follow His will at all times. I am working on being a truly virtuous, kind and loving daughter of God as I learn to control my thoughts and actions. I learn to love God through my efforts to become like Him.
It is important that we strive to be like God. Part of His plan is for us to become "as gods, knowing good from evil" (Alma 12:31). One day, we will become godly beings like our Father.
"Our lives will depend upon the decisions which we make--for decisions determine destiny."
-Thomas S. Monson
The decisions we make now will effect our future. What we do now shows a hint of who we will become as we choose good or evil. We must decide for ourselves whose side we are on, and stick to it! Choose today to prepare yourself to be worthy to enter the temple and accept the sacred ordinances of the priesthood into your life, and become more like our Father in heaven.
Ever smiling,
JS :)