Thursday, May 22, 2014

Seek To Ponder

"By pondering, we give the Spirit an opportunity to impress and direct. Pondering is a powerful link between the heart and the mind. As we read the scriptures, our hearts and minds are touched. If we use the gift to ponder, we can take these eternal truths and realize how we can incorporate them into our daily actions. 

“Pondering is a progressive mental pursuit. It is a great gift to those who have learned to use it. We find understanding, insight, and practical application if we will use the gift of pondering” ~Marvin J. Ashton, There Are Many Gifts

"Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your hearts.
And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere hearts, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost." Moroni 10:3-4

As we seek to ponder the Lord's words, and not just read them, we will be filled with the Spirit, and He will guide us to the path of true conversion. Seek to be filled with the Savior's light by pondering the divine truths taught in the Book of Mormon. As we "seek learning even by study and also by faith" (see D&C 88:118; 109:7), we will be filled with the Spirit. Our testimonies will be strengthened as we feast on the words of the Book of Mormon (see 2 Nephi 32:3), and we will have the capability to share it with others.

~JS :)

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